- 主题
- 11
- 您的身份
- 病友
- 就诊医院
- 九院
- 病理报告
- 霍结节硬化型
- 目前状态
- 治疗中
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And it gets me to thinking. Knowing what we know now, would any of us actually have chosen to have been diagnosed with cancer? The answer has to be emphatiically no. I'm sure that I am speaking for all of us when I say we would have been glad to avoid the nerve-wracking wait for pathology results, the life-altering shock of diagnosis,bening poked and prodded endlessly with needles, the surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments and tried the very limits of our endurance, and the relentless scans and blood tests to ensure that we remain, for the moment, cancer-free. Yet for all that, one thing becomes patently clear to me. I doubt very much that any of us would give back what we have learned along the cancer journey: to be kinder, more compassionate, more life-affirming people and never to forget how much we still have to be grateful for. Cancer may not have been a gift, but it was certainly a wake-up call.