- 主题
- 3
- 您的身份
- 病友
- 就诊医院
- 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院,北京304,上海九院
- 病理报告
- 霍结节硬化型
- 目前状态
- 康复3-5年
参加活动:0 次 组织活动:0 次
A little bit of hope for you in your time of need to know. My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years and have 2 beautiful twin girls, who will be 8 in June. The year my husband turned 18, he found out he had Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymphnodes). Pretty devastating to an 18 year old, otherwise healthy guy. He went through his rounds of Chemotherapy and Radiation, and was just fine for 3 years. Within those 3 years, his onocologists told him that he had about a 5 percent chance of ever having children. 2 years later he and I dated and I became pregnant with our twins. That same month we found out we were pregnant, he found out he had cancer again. He fought through the treatments of Chemotherapy, Radiation, bone marrow transplants and bone marrow biopsies, and married me and he beat it. He has been in remission for 7 years. Healthy as an ox. People DO beat this!! Never give up hope!! Even if you do have this, you can beat it! Our children are miracles! This is not a death sentence by any stretch of the imagination. Keep your head up!!!
这是浏览国外淋巴瘤论坛发现的一篇个人经历,发帖人病人的老公,老公18岁得了霍奇金淋巴瘤,经过治疗后康复了,其肿瘤医生告诉他,这辈子有孩子的可能性是5%,2年后遇到了发帖的女士,开始恋爱,并惊奇的发现居然怀孕了,有了一对可爱的双胞胎女儿,不幸的是,1年后老公又复发了,老公斗志昂扬地经历了放化疗和移植骨穿后康复并娶了发帖的女士,如今已经7年了,她老公壮得像头牛。 女士发帖希望鼓励淋巴瘤病友要有信心,积极面对。
这里是帖子的链接: http://www.healthboards.com/boar ... le-please-help.html |