Lymphoblastic lymphoma 淋巴细胞型淋巴瘤/白血病 With intensive treatment, around 90% of children with limited stage (stage I or II) lymphoblastic lymphoma can be cured. 1/2期 治愈率逾90% The cure rate for more advanced (stage III or IV) lymphoblastic lymphomas is generally higher than 80%. 3/4期治愈率逾80% Burkitt and Burkitt-like lymphoma 伯基特淋巴瘤Treatment of limited stage (stage I and II) Burkitt lymphomas is usually very successful, with a cure rate of over 90%. 1/2期治愈率超过90% The cure rate for children with more advanced (stage III or IV) Burkitt lymphoma ranges from about 80% to 90%. 3/4期治愈率80%-90% Large cell lymphomas 大b细胞淋巴瘤The cure rate is over 90% for limited stage (stage I and II) diffuse large B-cell lymphomas and is slightly lower for anaplastic large cell lymphomas. 1/2期弥漫大b治愈率超过90% 间变大稍低 The cure rate for children with advanced (stage III or IV) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma ranges from about 80% to 90%. For advanced anaplastic large cell lymphoma, the cure rate is about 60% to 75%. 3/4期 弥漫大b在80%-90% 间变大约60%-75% 外周t细胞淋巴瘤 根据英国的数据 外周t 细胞淋巴瘤 在儿童中3/4期 的治愈率为80%左右 霍奇金淋巴瘤 霍奇金淋巴瘤在儿童和青少年中的5年生存率为98% (治愈率应该略低,但肯定也在95%以上) 总体来说 各型淋巴瘤在儿童和青少年中的预后都好于成人 在成人中,即便是霍奇金4期的5年生存率也只有65% 而t细胞仅为32% 所以大家要有信心!当然 这也提醒家长 在有些情况下(尤其是霍奇金)务必多方咨询意见 不要过度治疗以避免第二肿瘤或者不孕不育的发生 参考资料: