I am Jay Jay Jiang, I was born in 1982, and I waspreviously diagnosed with Nor-Hodgkin Lymphoma.
I was treated with RCHOP chemotherapy to fight thelymphoma for around half a year and I have recovered 5 years ago.
When I found the tumor the first time, its size was moreor less the one of a fingernail, and when I performed the operation one yearlater, it was as big as an ostrichegg.
I got scared too at that time. I wasn't born to bestrong.
Many people said they envy that I have enough money totravel around, that I have the means to do what I feel like, that I have peoplefeeling inspired by me, and that now I also have the opportunity to do what Ilove, which is the sports industry. And they say that others are not as luckyas me.
In fact this is not true, I was not born rich and what Igot today it’s because I worked hard to achieve. I am also proud that I cansupport my parents nowadays.
I am independent and I have my job. If I can do it, so doyou!
There is no shortcuts, one can’t be lazy.
I have a sense of mission, that I have to do more.
Lymphoma didn’ttake my life away, and I am thankful for the kindness of life.
Boxing is one of my hobbies.
I go to work in the daytime, and I still have a lot ofenergy to go boxing afterwards.
I never thought I could attend a boxing match, because Ididn’t even wanted to do sports before.
In this match, I am the first cancer patient participatorwho has recovered.
This is a cooperation with the breast cancer foundation.
I also wanted to participate in this match so I couldsupport our lymphoma foundation.
Iwould like to set different goals and do different things every year.
Forinstance this year, I wanted to attend this boxing match, so I achieved it.
Itis my first time to attend this kind of match. I will keep on doing it in thefuture.
Boxing coach Chris: the most important thing thatboxing has teached me is to have courage in life.
Ihadn’t practiced boxing before, but I had acknowledged this truth already.
Boxing coach Raymond: it doesn’t matter if you win orlose.
“Youwon already when you made it to match”, the coach said.
“Ithink you are more powerful than any of us”.
Former colleague of Jay Jay - Jenny: she has a positive attitudetowards life and she is very optimistic and hearty.
“Ithink this is the real reason why she has defeated that diseaseat the end”.
Boxingfellow - Windy: “She has her own style, she is unique”.
JayJay’s daughter: “My mom is very cool, and so I am as well”.
Mymessage to everyone - just be happy. You only live once.
Iam thinking if I will make a tattoo, it will be my mom boxing.
朋友- Thames - CEO of gre3n:她总是充满能量,每当思维与直觉相背,只要积极乐观,那么生命也会发生改变。
Friend - Thames - CEO of gre3n: “She has that strong energy. Ifyour turn your mind and perception into a positive state, then life will alsochange”.
男友: 重启一次生命,你会发现到处都是彩虹和力量。所以说,如果你想问我有什么建议。我想说的是,我们不必经历所有事,但只要活到八十岁时,能够想起我们也曾为自己而战,那就安心了。
JayJay’s boyfriend: “Life is not maid of flower and rainbow, it will keep you downpermanently if you let it happens. It is not about how hard you hit, it isabout how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can gettake and keep moving forward. That how winning is done! And Gogo is winning”.
Juanjuan:“Jay Jay is the champion of our cancer foundation”.
Jay Jay:”Thank you. Before you close youreyes forever, please think about what you have done so far and what you want todo in your life”.
As long as I can move, I willfinish what I desire to do.
I don't want to realize that Ididn’t do anything meaningful for myself and others by the time I will passaway.